It is our policy to provide a suitable safe and healthy environment for your child. We have a no-smoking policy which includes whilst waiting on the premises to come inside. All visitors to the nursery must consider health and safety at all times. Our nursery has a dedicated health and safety co-ordinator, who works alongside the leadership team to maintain health and safety standards.

Preventing accidents

We check the premises and equipment daily and carry out regular risk assessments. We ask that children are wearing footwear and clothing that is appropriate for running and climbing. We suggest Velcro fastenings for footwear, unless your child can tie their own laces, to minimise trips and falls. Additionally, we suggest elasticated waists for clothing, to avoid toilet accidents.


Systems are in place to prevent unauthorised access to the premises and to ensure the safe arrival and departure of children. Children are supervised at all times throughout the day and in sight and sound of the practitioners at meal and nap times.

Fire safety

Fire doors are clearly marked, never blocked, and easy to open from the inside. All smoke detectors, alarms and firefighting equipment meet British Standards European Norm (BSEN) regulations. They are fitted in appropriate high-risk areas of the building and are checked as recommended by the manufacturer. A fire drill is carried out termly and detectors and alarms are checked weekly.

Activities and equipment

Equipment and resources are sourced from reputable companies and checked to ensure that they are safe for the ages and developmental stages of the children that will use them. All materials, including sand, paint or glue, are non-toxic and suitable for children’s use.

Food and hygiene

All gas and electrical appliances meet required safety standards and are checked annually. We provide nutritious and well-balanced meals for all age groups. Children are provided with a choice of fruit for their snacks alongside water/milk. We store all food appropriately, and staff responsible for the preparation and handling of food, receive appropriate training and follow food safety and hygiene regulations.